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Treatment Methods

Dynamic Medicine

Removing Traumas and Hidden Blockages

  • Sequential Timeline Treatment for traumas

  • Bioresonance Assessment and Treatment

  • Treatment of Acute and Chronic conditions

  • First-Aid Readiness

  • Flu Prevention ... and more

Dynamic Medicine identifies hidden blockages that have resulted mostly from past traumas.


These blockages can involve physical and emotional traumas, iatrogenic diseases (drugs, vaccinations), and inherited disease conditions. These are treated sequentially according to natural law principles using our clinically-proven method called Heilkunst


Bioresonance (CoRe) analysis and treatment are used during sequential treatment in otherwise hidden, complex blockages that arise. 


Treatment for any acute condition is always addressed first, before commencing the deeper, more systematic sequential treatment. 

Dynamic Regimen

Nutrition, Diet, Lifestyle 

  • Foundational Regimen: your current state of diet, supplements, exercise, and other health-related issues (such as sunshine, quality and quantity of water intake, sleep) is assessed. A unique you regimen protocol is recommended based on your biochemistry and unique life-work style.


  • Nutritional Plan: detailed focus on creating and implementing a dietary and nutritional plan specifically for YOU based on various key typologies that affect how we react to foods (blood, glandular, metabolic). Zoom in on the nutrients for you and your family! 


  • Metabolic Balancing: your metabolism is driven and guided by key dynamic balances that maintain homeostasis. Guided by your practitioner, there are basic tests that you can do to identify imbalances. Specific protocols with supplements are provided to correct these imbalances. 


  • Mineralogical Systems Balancing: your mineralogical system drives the rest of the nutritional factors. You will undertake an initial, and subsequent periodic testing as needed, using small amounts of your hair. This analysis provides specific recommendations for dietary adjustments, and possible supplements, to correct any mineralogical system imbalances, working synchronistically with the rest of your dietary and nutrient plan.


Dynamic Assessment of Complex Blockages

Bioresonance Analysis provides a powerful method to identify and remove complex layers of causes that can be hidden from regular, sequential treatment of blockages. 


Bioresonance has been used in healthcare for over half a century, and more recently has been revolutionized with computer technology to increase its accuracy and practicality.


The specific program used, called CoRe, has been programmed with our own knowledge based on Romantic Science, and natural laws and principles. The CoRe programs and trays from our Romantic Health Center are unique, culminated from our own clinical and research experience. 


The CoRe remedies work on the principle of resonance in removing identified blockages. For each CoRe assessment, large amounts of health areas (between 40-60) are assessed for blockages, including the following main areas:

  • sub-conscious mental and emotional conflicts

  • deep-seated fears and anxieties

  • inherited disease conditions

  • metabolic dysfunctions

  • plant, animal and mineral source remedies

  • supportive plant essences, crystal energies, anthroposophic remedies, homeopathic formulas


Dynamic Movement

Healing Sound-Movement

Healing Sound-Movement sequences engage the senses of touch, smell, taste, sight, perceptive hearing as well as life, balance, inner movement, warmth, speech/tone, thought, and the sense of the other "I".


The therapeutic movement sequences

  • are developed from eurythmy movement, integrating dynamic physiology to support healthy childhood and adult development 

  • aim to improve

    • the senses of self and other

    • the sense of space

    • relation to others

    • directing movement from within

    • perceptive hearing, speech formation, and aural and body communication


Children, as well as adults, become

  • more "inside" their own body

  • more aware of their inner and outer movement and actions  

  • more content to live and work here on earth


Ethical development of self and health are united in the whole human being.


The movement sequences will be carefully selected based on the individual developmental and health needs. They will be taught in clear steps (for a child usually with a caregiver) so they can be practiced regularly. 

Try out a Free Introductory Session!


Dynamic Support for Healing Relationships 

In the course of treatment, various issues may arise concerning family and other close relationships. These issues can affect the healing process: 


  • Family dynamics

  • Parenting issues

  • Couple relationships


Dynamic Counselling provides support for better understanding and resolving issues within the context of Romantic Healthcare, which in turn, speeds healing for those ​being treated and spreads healing to all those around us.

Dynamic Counselling Conversation

In a conversation setting new insights and understanding can be gained with sharing and counselling. A guided listening and sharing session.


Available Online

Dynamic Counselling Movement

Some time it seems like too much has been said. Engaging the will and the feeling through movement can lead to new experience and appreciation in a relationship.


Private Healing Movement session designed for your specific needs for one, two or more people. 


Available by video call

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